
Meet Lena Bichell

Hannah Graham Memorial Scholar, 2022
UVA and UGHE Scholars in Rwanda, 2022

My time at CHUK (The University Teaching Hospital of Kigali) as a visiting medical student was truly eye-opening. Culturally, Rwanda is an incredibly warm, welcoming society and I was immediately incorporated into the group of Rwandan medical students. Kigali itself is a beautiful, vibrant metropolis that I thoroughly enjoyed exploring. A particular highlight was attending an international dance festival at the amphitheater of the Rwanda Genocide Memorial where troupes from across the globe collaborated on modern performances. Another highlight was visiting the Zipline facility where blood products and crucial medical supplies are delivered to remote areas via drone! A tour of the University of Global Health Equity, founded by Paul Farmer, left me figuring out how to return to Rwanda to get a Masters in Global Health. Overall, my time in Rwanda was incredible and will continue to impact my clinical practice for years to come.