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“This opportunity felt like a great fit because of the applicability to our Commerce studies (being a strategic app intervention with various stakeholders), my Psychology background (being a qualitative research study with a human-first design), and Liza’s interest in studying medicine (taking place in a hospital setting),” -- Carolin Fabian
The University of Virginia's Center for Global Health Equity promotes health in resource-limited settings
by fostering the commitment of students, faculty and partners from many disciplines to support health for all.
Photo Credit: Mary Long - India
Photo Credit: 2016 Glenn and Susan Brace CGH Scholar, Eliza Campbell in Rwanda
Photo Credit: 2016 CGH Scholar Jessica Amick - Cambodia
Photo Credit: Lauren Jackson - New York City, New York
The photo was taken at the Kimironko Market in Rwanda. Locals gather here to buy all their fresh produce and essentials. I visited often to buy mangos from Brenda, the woman in the center of the photo. I was struck by the pride each vendor had in the quality of their fruits, vegetables, and meat. The farmers and vendors play an integral role in the health of the people of Kigali.