
Community matters: USFQ beyond its campus

February 8, 2019 12:00 pm
CGH on the UVA Corner

Community matters: USFQ beyond its campus

USFQ third-year students and faculty collaborate with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and local community clinics in order to implement health promotion and prevention programs as part of their training process. USFQ has designed this innovative approach with the aim to involve our students with the communities, to examine social determinants of health, to incorporate the Primary Health Approach in a practical manner, and to learn how to implement evidence-based interventions to improve the health and overall quality of life of the participants of the program.  

The geographical area where our program Link with the Community is implemented is the District of Yaruqui, 10 different communities are part of the district and in each of them a team of students, USFQ faculty and health professionals from the Ministry of Health implement different projects that are designed to investigate and tackle a particular health problem.
During my presentation, I will be sharing the key elements of our program including the learning objectives and the various kinds of interventions and projects implemented in different communities. I will also touch on some lessons learned thus far in the program's development.

Finally, I hope for the faculty and students to know better our program ”Vinculación con la Comunidad” and the opportunities it offers for research and partnership between our respective universities moving forward in our ever more global and interconnected world.

Iván Palacios, MD: Global Health Director, Head of Medical Education, Hospital de Los Valles

Iván recieved his MD from the the Universidad Central here in Quito, and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of New Mexico. He has more than 20 years of experience working in the design, implementation and supervision of Public Health and Social Development projects. He's currently a Professor in the School of Medicine here and the Director of Educational Activities in our affiliate hospital, Hospital de los Valles.