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“This opportunity felt like a great fit because of the applicability to our Commerce studies (being a strategic app intervention with various stakeholders), my Psychology background (being a qualitative research study with a human-first design), and Liza’s interest in studying medicine (taking place in a hospital setting),” -- Carolin Fabian
The University of Virginia's Center for Global Health Equity promotes health in resource-limited settings
by fostering the commitment of students, faculty and partners from many disciplines to support health for all.
2014 CGH Scholar, Caitlin Secrit
Dr. Tom Daniel with CGH Scholar, Nebil Nuradin and CGH Global Resident Scholar, Adriana Ramirez in Rwanda
2014 Global Health Case Competition
CHIL (Community Health in Limpopo), WHIL (Water and Health in Limpopo), CGH and MHIRT scholars and faculty at the University of Venda, 2015
Image of Tanzania
This photo was taken at Leshiba Wilderness Reserve, another amazing wildlife excursion we went on with our research team and partners. It was breathtaking and reminded us of the importance of taking time to absorb the natural beauty of the country we were working in. Leshiba, as well as Kruger, gave us the opportunity to view South Africa in a more informal lens outside of the university we worked at every day, and granted us a richer appreciation for the country and all it had to offer.