Project Overview
At the request of the health district, a project was developed using Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills to train Community Health Workers (CHWs) and nurses. The project began in 2014 and involved assessing the level of training needed, teaching MI skills, observing MI practices in home based care, and observing and coding MI skills to determine the efficacy. Data from this project showed that CHWs improved MI skills over time with coaching in the field. As a result of this, the project was expanded to include training professional nurses and nursing students in 2016 to employ MI skills in patient care. Data from observations of nurses interacting with standardized patients show dramatic improvements in their MI skills after a 3 day interactive skills building course. As a result of these collaborations the nursing faculty at UNIVEN are planning a new course on MI for the nursing curriculum that will reside within their new master’s degree in psychiatry for nurses.
Limpopo Province