
GHLT Educational Goals

Goals of the Global Health Leadership Track

1.     Develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills to practice culturally competent medical care.

2.     Learn about medical and psychosocial problems affecting refugees and international patients.

3.     Collaborate with local agencies in caring for refugee patients, including the International Rescue Committee, Health Department, WIC, social workers and psychologists.

4.     Learn the epidemiology and treatment of tropical diseases.

5.     Become familiar with educational resources for tropical medicine and global health.

6.     Learn U.S. and international laws and policies governing refugees, displaced persons, and immigrants.

7.     Competently care for patients in a resource-poor country or setting within the U.S.

8.     Identify community needs and develop a project to address them in a resource-poor country or setting.

9.     Prepare a written report and oral presentation of this project at the conclusion of the residency.

10.   Teach other residents, students and faculty the skills, knowledge and attitudes gained.

This is accomplished through didactics, engagement with our local immigrant and refugee populations, international clinical rotations and international research.